Faith Community Church of God

Sunday School: 9:30 AM
Sunday Service: 10:30 AM
Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30 PM
Driving Directions:
4203 Alkire Rd., at the roundabout at Alkire and Demorest.
About Us
A warm, welcoming congregation of believers with an emphasis on the truth of scripture, an understanding unity in diversity, and the need for preaching the authority of the Bible in modern life.
Pastor Adrian Powell, is the spiritual leader of the congregation and seeks to serve others in the most effective way possible. Known for having expository sermons that speak to where people are today, he brings the text of the Old and New Testament Bible alive as he preaches verse-by-verse through the text.
While the congregation is growing in reflecting the Grove City community, we have a variety of ethnic backgrounds that allow us to reflect the world as it is today.
We welcome anyone who would like honest answers to honest question about the nature of faith, God, reasons to believe and how faith is important in today's society. Biblical Christianity is not irrelevant in the 21st century; in fact, it is more relevant.
But for all our differences, we have more in common than we have division. We all look to love and be loved. We all want answers to life's questions. And we all want to know where we're headed.
We have services on Wednesday at 6:30, Sunday at 10:30.
Come join us in finding the right answers to these questions.
Video Media

Rep/Contact Info

Adrian Powell
- Phone: (614) 277-8499
- Cell Phone: (614) 403-3159
- 4203 Alkire Road Grove City OH 43123